United Methodist church
special giving sundays

Human Relations Day*                                        Sunday before the observance of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday  

One Great Hour of Sharing*                                 Fourth Sunday in Lent         

Native American Awareness                                Third Sunday of Easter Season                                                               

Heritage Sunday                                                    April 23 or the following Sunday                                                               

Peace with Justice Sunday*                                  First Sunday after Pentecost 

Christian Education Sunday                                  Date set by each Annual Conference                                                         

Golden Cross Sunday                                             Date set by each Annual Conference

Rural Life Sunday                                                   Date set by each Annual Conference                                                         

World Communion Sunday*                               First Sunday in October       

Laity Sunday                                                           Third Sunday in October     

United Methodist Student Day*                         Last Sunday in November   

The Special Sundays of The United Methodist Church, celebrated annually, illustrate the nature and calling of the Church. These special Sundays approved by General Conference are the only Sundays of churchwide emphasis. Such special Sundays should never take precedence over the particular day in the Christian year. The special Sundays are placed on the calendar in the context of the Christian year, which is designed to make clear the calling of the Church as the people of God. Several give persons the opportunity of contributing offerings to special programs. The “Special Sundays with Churchwide Offerings” (indicated by asterisks) are set by each General Conference, to do deeds expressive of our commitment, and remain constant for a quadrennium. Other “Special Sundays Without Offerings” and “Special Sundays” with Annual Conference offerings are also set by General Conference. Annual Conferences may also determine other Special Sundays with or without offerings. Throughout the life of this book, such days are likely to change, and persons need to plan with yearly program calendars from the denomination.